
Recipe - Fish Tacos with Corn Tortillas

Fish Tacos
Fish tacos are one of my favorite meals.  I like to make fresh corn tortillas for these.  The best place to get the corn flour is at Aldi's - the stock gets rotated often.  It tends to sit around on the shelves at some other grocery stores and it starts to get funky.  I prefer using catfish fillets.  You can use tilapia or any other favorite white fish.  Some even make them with tuna. 

Corn Tortillas:
2 C. corn tortilla flour
1/4 tsp salt
1 1/4 C. warm water

Mix the flour and salt then add warm water.  Split the mix into 12 balled portions.  If you have a tortilla press, great!  Otherwise, one at a time, place each ball on top of a sheet of plastic wrap.  Roll each ball out with a rolling pin covered in plastic wrap.  Place each tortilla on a hot, dry skillet (med-high heat).  Cook each side about 45 seconds.  As they cook, place the hot tortillas between two layers of a clean, dry dish towel.  You will want to eat these right away.  They do not reheat well since they have no oil in them.

Fish Taco:
2 catfish fillets
juice of 1 lime
1 cup sliced onions
1 cup sliced red bell pepper
ground coriander (maybe 1/2 tsp)
ground chili powder (maybe 1 1/2 tsp)
black pepper

Broiling Alternative
In a sheet of aluminum foil, place the fish fillets on top of the onions and peppers.  Pour on the lime juice and sprinkle the coriander, chili powder, salt and pepper over the fish.  Fold the foil into a packet and bake the fish in a 425 degree over for about 20-25 minutes.  Break fish into smaller pieces.  (Alternately, you can broil the seasoned fish and onions/pepper as the photo shows)

Assemble taco by placing some of the fish and onions/peppers on a couple of tortillas.  Add whatever toppings you like.   In Hawaii, they like to put shredded cabbage on them.

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